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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

6 Ways To Prepare Your Home For A Storm

2/21/2023 (Permalink)

When a storm is coming, it's natural to feel afraid. If you take some time to prepare for the worst, you'll be able to weather any storm with ease—and comfort! In this article, we'll go over how to prepare your home for storms so that when one hits, you're ready.

Clean your gutters.

If you haven't cleaned your gutters in a while, it's probably time to do so. Gutter cleaning is important because it helps prevent water damage to your home.

To clean your gutters:

  • Remove debris from the gutter with a leaf rake or similar tool. You may need to use an extension ladder if you have tall trees around your house; make sure that the ladder is secure before climbing onto it!

  • Use a garden hose nozzle with high-pressure water flow, then spray down all sides of each gutter until all clogs are cleared out.

Secure your fence and outdoor furniture.

If you have outdoor furniture or a fence, it's important to secure them before the storm hits.

Furniture can be easily moved by high winds and could cause damage if it falls on your home. If you're worried about having to bring everything inside, just use tarps to cover the pieces you want to keep outside during the storm. Make sure they are secured with heavy-duty anchors so they don't blow away!

Remove limbs and trim trees in your yard.

When you think of storm preparation, the first thing that likely comes to mind is securing your home with sandbags and other materials. While this is important, another task that's often overlooked is trimming trees and shrubs in your yard.

You should remove any limbs that are close to your house. Also, trim trees and shrubs so they don't damage or break through the roof of your home during high winds.

Protect vulnerable areas of your home.

If you live in a storm-prone area, it's important to take steps to protect the most vulnerable parts of your home. This includes making sure that windows and doors are secure and weatherproof, as well as making sure that any damage to the roof has been repaired or replaced.

If a powerful storm is predicted in your area, it might be worth boarding up your windows and doors. This will prevent them from breaking during the storm, leaving shards of glass everywhere and your home vulnerable to the outside elements.

Create an emergency kit.

You should always have an emergency kit ready to go, even if there is no incoming storm. The best way to prepare for any emergency is to be prepared. You can't predict when you might need a kit, but you should always be ready to respond in an emergency.

Here are some things that you'll want to include in your kit:

  • Water (at least 1 gallon per person per day)

  • Food that doesn't need cooking

  • Flashlights

  • First aid supplies

Store valuables in a safe place.

If you have valuable items in your home, it's important to make sure they are not in the path of a storm. This includes items such as jewelry, electronics, and other valuables.

It's also important that these valuables aren't near windows or doors. If possible, store them in a safe place like a closet or safe.

Storms can be scary and devastating, but you can prepare for them with a little work

When it comes to storms, preparation is key. You can't control the weather, but you can prepare for it. It's important to know what steps you should take before and during a storm that hits your home.

We hope that you are now better prepared for a storm and all of the damage it can cause. Remember, it's always better to be safe than sorry!

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